Monday, July 28, 2014

Review: Elvis Newman's "Life Lesson from Nature"

Review by T's Blogging
Review by T's Blogging 
Title: Self Help
Life Lesson from Nature by Elvis Newman

Reviewed by T’s Blogging

Walk into a books store or visit the non-fiction section of a library and I guarantee you will find countless “Self Help” books telling you that their perspective on life enabled them to be successful, and if you follow their practices you can become successful too. What a load of crap! Or is it? Personally, I detest books that read more like an author trying to sell me their beliefs oppose to stimulating my thoughts. However, something happened recently…a novel written by Elvis Newman entitled Life Lesson from Nature, fall upon my desk and became a new found treasure. All I could say while reading this book was, “Now this is how a self help book should read!”

Newman’s Life Lesson from Nature, is filled with beautiful pictures and heeded messages. And while reading I found myself asking self-reflecting questions that caused me to search my inner-self for answers, oppose to allowing the author’s impressions to become etched into my mind as the only way to find and walk in purpose.  What I love about this book is Newman chose to ask questions that would provoke mental conversations by educating us on our naturalistic selves.

Masterfully written, Newman indirectly addresses the god-like personalities that so many humans have and showed just how we all can learn from the trees, the bees, and even the mice…. How we are all experiencing life and everything living has the same purpose…, fulfilling its PURPOSE!

I could go on and on about this interesting read, but instead I want to share with you a few quotes I took from the book…. “All masters were once disasters;”  “Life rewards action;” “How are you equipped for success…;” And my personally favorite, overcoming your “glass ceiling.” ~Elvis Newman 

If you are traveling down the road of self evaluation and or purpose this is a MUST READ!

****We give Life Lesson from Nature, four out of five stars!

Happy reading!

T’s Blogging
#books #elvisnewman #mcwood #selfhelp #nature #goodread

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