Author Interviews

Author Interview: Tiffany McDaniel the author of 
“The Summer That Melted Everything” 

with T's Blogging 

It's with great pleasure that I introduce the author of "The Summer That Melted Everything," Tiffany McDaniel.

Now, before we jump into getting to know more about you let's discuss your recent release, “The Summer that Melted Everything,” which I have to admit is a pretty interesting title, tells us, what is the premise of this read? The Summer that Melted Everything is about an eighty-four-year-old man named Fielding Bliss, who is looking back on his life during one summer in 1984 when he was thirteen-years-old and his father, Autopsy Bliss, invited the devil to their small town of Breathed, Ohio. So, does the devil come? Let me just say, someone answers the invitation, and coincidentally the guest arrives with the first day of a hell-hot heat-wave that carries through the entire course of the summer. Is this a story simply about the heat or can readers expect more? No, this is not just a story about the heat, but a story of everything that melted in that heat: family, friendships, innocence, and even lives. 

Now, whenever I do an interview I like to research the author. I noticed that on your website  you showcase some very creative as well as interesting artwork. From the pieces, words, and messages used throughout your site, I got a religious or should I say, a spiritual as well as a self-reflection feel. Am I on the right path? Is that what you’re attempting to display? My intention with my paintings is to capture the characters and add another layer to the story, not a religious layer but to bring the story to life in a visual way. I think when you say religious feel you’re probably referring to the painting of the devil, which always lends to a religious atmosphere being he is the symbol for evil. But as far as any overly religious or spiritual messages or meanings, that’s not my intentions with the paintings. They are more representative of the story and expressing the stages of the characters’ lives and the effects of that summer when everything did indeed melt.

What would you like your readers to take away from your book? To separate oneself from herd mentality and always preserve your individual thought. Furthermore, to understand that we have to love and respect one another in this world if we are to have any peace. Peace for each other and peace for ourselves. Wow, what a powerful message. “To separate oneself from herd mentality….” Wow, that one line alone gives me goosebumps.   

Getting Personal

Who is the woman behind the pen? I’m an Ohio native who writes from the land I know. I write literary fiction with southern gothic elements. Have you written any additional books besides your recent release? I have eight completed novels and am currently working on my ninth. Impressive! So let me ask you this, what drives you write? Writing is what I am drawn to do. It’s as natural as breathing. I’m lost without writing. I don’t exist without it. You seem very passionate about your craft, which I appreciate, but getting published isn’t always an easy task; do you agree?  I will say getting published was a long time coming. I wrote my first novel when I was eighteen. I wouldn’t get a publishing contract until I was twenty-nine. I have the narrative many authors have. And what’s that? That narrative being that the road to publication is full of rejection and heart-ache. All of which makes me the author I am today.

Thank you Tiffany for sitting down with me. It was truly a pleasure.

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