Sub. Request


Thank you for taking the time to consider us. I am one of the bloggers for McWood Publishing. My pen name is T's Blogging. My team and I enjoy reading books as well as offering our honest opinions. Our intentions are not ever to be hurtful, but honest. Before sending your novel please read ALL the information below.


Submission Guidelines:
  • Since we love books, we have no genre preferences. However, for the 2017 reading list we are looking for more adolescent, YA reads. We have partnered with a local school teacher and are donating every YA book we read and review, to her classroom's library. Thus, if your book caters to grades 4th-10th, and if you would like your book to be reviewed by We Said It as well as donated to entice young adults to read, mail us a copy of your book. (For additional information & mailing instructions email us at  
  • Currently, we post one review a week. Which means we post between 50-52 reviews a year. The reason: we want to give each novel the opportunity to shine and not to saturate our followers with reviews. However, we are making some changes to our 2017 reading list. We Said It Literary Review will only accept 5 books from the adult genre and 20 books from the young adult genre.      
  • Reviews are posted to a few of the following sites: Barnes & NobleSmashwords, Amazon, Goodreads, Netgalley, McWood's blog page, Pinterest,  Twitter Facebook , and any other site you request. ***We only ask that you follow our Twitter, Facebook, and Blog***  Please include your website, a link to your Amazon, Goodreads, Smashwords, or any other account you would like your review uploaded to. 
  • We accept hard-copies, mobi, epub, and pdf. We do not accept Kindle or Amazon files. (Note: McWood neither do I  nor our reviewers pay for books for review. If you decide to send a hard copy and you use USPS, please do not seal the package until after the postal worker verifies the package is indeed media mail. This keeps them from reopening your package and your book not being sent. And please provide a letter with your contact information. We always send email confirmation once your novel is received. ***for mailed reviews only.)
  • Time frames: Once the review is completed, you will receive a drafted copy of the review via email. We do not offer completion due dates. If you are seeking a review by a certain time frame please understand we will do our best, but there's no guarantee. So in short, we do not and can not offer a completion date to you. 
  • We do not review half of any book. In order to offer an honest review we need to read the entire novel. If you do not send the entire book you will receive an email and will be given 48 hrs to send us the full version. If we do not receive a response we will remove you from the list and fill your spot with an author from our back-list. (What is the back-list? Once we have filled all 52 spots throughout the year we have countless authors requesting to have their books read and review. We hate turning author's away so one of the options we offer is the chance to be placed on our back-list, which gives those authors the chance to be placed on the current years reading list if a current author request to be removed from our reading list or if the current author fails to provide us with a hard/e-copy of the book. Note: We only add 5 titles a year to the back list. If those back-listed titles do not make it onto the current years reading list, those reads are automatically moved to the following years reading list.)
  • We do not read manuscripts, so please do not send them. 
  • Emailing your book: Please make certain to add the title of the book in the subject line of the e-mail (e.g. Review: Warrior of the Night). Failure to do so may result in your novel being accidentally deleted. Please attach the full edited version of your read to the email along with a high resolution copy of the cover, the author's or publisher's social media outlets, any additional links where we should upload the review, and mention the genre. 
  • Please...please do not send an email asking us to rate your novel high. The purpose of this blog is to offer honest reviews, not persuaded reviews. To do so is unethical.
  • Send all electronic request to the following email ( Again, please make certain to insert the title of your book in the [Subject] area of the email (ex: [Review: Fire and Earth])
~ T's Blogging


  1. Thank you ever so much for your generous offer. I have a four book series - all short gift book size of a bit of 100 pages - easy reads as they also contain many photos. Each book in the series is named for a different gemstone with symbolic meaning tied to their subtitles: Emerald (Beyond Coincidence stories), Topaz (Awakenings & Aha Moments), Sapphire (Echoes In the Mind), Ruby (Gifts of Compassion). The stories in these books were all winners in a worldwide competition, named Tales2Inspire.I charge no entrance fees, and like you, love books and love helping talented authors. I would be honored to have you review this series or any individual book within it.

    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Happy holidays!

    1. I would be honored to ready your book(s). My email: I cannot wait to dive into your world.

      Talk to you soon,


Have a book suggestion? Let me know.

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