Monday, July 6, 2015

Jamie Marchant's "The Soul Stone"

Title: When can I read the next book?
The Soul Stone by Jamie Marchant
Reviewed by S. Davis

May 23, 2015
11:00 A.M.

The Soul Stone is the second book in The Korthlundian Chronicles series by Jamie Merchant. Having never read the first book in the series, The Goddess’s Choice, the reader will be surprised at how easy it is to follow, almost like it is its own story separate from the first book. Due to the numerous flashbacks and explanations Merchant gives, which is typical of a true fantasy author, it is not difficult to follow along and become entangled in the story.

Sir Robrek is preparing to marry Princess Samantha, who is preparing to be crowned queen of newly joined kingdoms. However, not everyone is as accepting of the princess taking a commoner who is also a powerful sorcerer as her betrothed, as he will be king one day. The novel is packed full of action, adventure, and romance that keeps the reader quickly turning the page to get to the next part, especially in the last few chapters.

Marchant has a way of making the reader truly care about the characters and what happens to them, which is not an easy task. Her characters are relatable, personable, and, most of all, believable. Each character is also unique, with no two characters coming to resemble another.

The Soul Stone was extremely well-written. Readers will find themselves hooked almost immediately and remain entranced even after the epilogue. Like all great writings, the story manages to stay with you long after you finish reading. My only question is: When is the next book coming out?

I give The Soul Stone 4 out of 5 stars!

Until next time,

S. Davis

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