Monday, June 20, 2016

Kim Alexander's "The Sand Prince"

Title: An Epic Behind the Door
The Sand Prince” by Kim Alexander

Reviewed by M. Windholtz
7:43 pm

The Sand Prince invites readers to step into the lands of Eriis and Mistra, one populated by demons, the other by humans. A mystical Door separates the two realms, and ambassadors between worlds maintain a connection between the two species. That relationship changes forever when a storm of magic wreaks havoc in the demon world.

Author Kim Alexander populates her captivating worlds with vibrant characters, from the fiery demon queen Hellne to Lelet va’Everly, a human socialite wishing for something more. Prince Rhuun, the half-human prince, is both studious and spirited; the perfect hero for a story such as this.

Prince Rhuun struggles to find a place in the demon world. After he discovers a book left behind by its human author, he tries to learn anything he can about the intriguing human world. A series of events leads Rhuun to slip through a crack in the Door and bound to serve a human master. His adventures from there are fun, exciting, and at times comical, especially his awe at the new world he discovers and the characters he encounters.

A tragic flaw of many fantasy novels these days is their often poorly built worlds; foregoing any culture or societal detail to focus entirely on the characters and rushed plots. However, the reader feels transported to Eriis and Mistra with every description of their traditions and landscapes. While some explanations and plot developments do occur later than desired, it is worth the time reading the narrative Alexander puts together in developing the characters’ relationships and personal growth. It would have been even more interesting if there had been further detail about pre-rain Eriis, but the two contemporary worlds were enough to keep readers well engaged.

This is a read that will keep readers wondering what’s next if they have to sat it down. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good epic fantasy.

I give “The Sand Prince” 4 out of 5 stars.

Yours in Words,

M. Windholtz

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