Title: A Thrilling Journey
“Mandrean Revenge”
by Rival Gates
Reviewed by M.
9:36 pm
Half-elf, Linvin
Grithinshield, has seen much in his life as he journeyed across the world of
Lavacia to claim the Red Sapphire, a powerful magic stone. However, the
nefarious Lord Mandrean carries out a search to fully empower the Red
Sapphire’s parallel Blue Sapphire, with the intentions of using its power to
destroy Linvin. With a string of assassins set on hunting Linvin down, the main
character finds himself journeying across nations to free his kidnapped uncle
and to put an end to Lord Mandrean’s plots, once and for all.
Despite the
massive amounts of success and wealth Linvin has gained in his past adventures,
he is a likable character who does not allow his accomplishments to identity
him. He is prone to helping the less fortunate and is weary towards the burden
of his name and fame, something unseen in many other novels where characters
are well-known. This makes Linvin a much more compelling hero than is often
found in fantasy, and a hero readers are sure to become attached to.
The downside to
this read, the novel dragged with in-depth discussions of politics and business
that at times seemed unnecessary to help carry the plot forward. The plot was
also liable to employ clichés, but author Rival Gates navigates through it with
her stellar characterizations. Readers come to understand the many relevant
characters’ motivations and schemes, giving a more full appreciation of the
mechanizations of the novel. While Lord Mandrean is framed as the villain,
readers still have the opportunity to appreciate and sympathize with him.
Gates has an ability
to make characters that surpass their archetypes and become characters that
entrance and enthrall readers. This, paired with the adventure and action of
the narration, make this novel an excellent, must read.
give “Mandrean Revenge” 4 out of 5 stars.
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