Title: Hooked!
"Finding Master Right" by Sparrow Beckett
Reviewed by T's Blogging
Hello Saints, Sinners, and Page Watchers. It's Monday, and I have another review for you. Last week, I had a chance to read "Finding Master Right." Let me start by telling you that this author has really taken the erotica genre up a notch. When I invited myself into Kate and Banner's dominant and submissive world, turning to that last page was upsetting. Yet, that usually happens when a book lover finishes a great read.
Honestly, I am beyond thrilled that Beckett wrote this story, because folks, the erotica genre was starting to become saturated with romance novels, which were incorrectly categorized. It appears that some authors felt they could piggyback off E.L. James explosion. And round of applause to those romance authors that succeeded. However, just know, by incorrectly labeling your book, you jeopardize crippling a flourishing genre. But then came Beckett.
From the first two sentences of Beckett's book, the tone is immediately set, and the author never waivers from the kinky and vigor storytelling. Now, this is a short read. But rest assured, it is packed with so much naughtiness as well as vivid details, that the length of the novel is made up by the mental porn.
I'm sure you're wondering, "Well, T. if it's that good, why did you only give this book 4 1/2 stars?" And my answer honestly would be, there was one major hang up. The character Kate was so uncertain that her back and forth personality drove me crazy. And while some readers may argue that Kate's behavior mirrors an individual that's trying out the BSM relationship for the first time. I would disagree. When Kate was introduced to readers, they are given this impression that deep down she's aware of what she wants, she just needs someone to drag it out of her. So, the hang up is simple, at times Kate's behavior did not always match her personality.
Nonetheless, my erotica lovers, kink is back!!!
I give "Finding Master Right" 4 1/2 stars.
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