Monday, August 4, 2014

Review: Angela Corbett's "Tempting Sydney"

Title: A Must Read!
Angela Corbett’s “Tempting Sydney

Reviewed by T’s Blogging
1:13 a.m.

It isn’t everyday that I read something that has me schmaltzy or staying up into the wee-hours of the night to finish it. I could not stop blushing, smiling, and wishing that I was Angela Corbett’s main character, Sydney. To be so in control and then finally find that one soul that can tempt me into seeing past rituals and the need to obtain paper success.... Now if you ask me, “A book like that is worth reading.”

At first I was a bite reluctant to read the novel. Romance novels all seem to read the same, and to be honest there were parts in the novel that seemed familiar. However, Corbett made her own path in this genre with her witty and hilarious sense of humor, and ability to attack me emotionally. This novel is about temptation, seduction, life, heartache, and exploration on all levels. It is a teasing tale and the title sums up Angela Corbett’s Tempting Sydney, so well.

This read did things to my imagination that I truly appreciated., sensual…yes and I respected the mental game Corbett played as the story evolved. Tempting Sydney is relatable and there were things said that many of us who are in love with someone desire to hear. For example, Sydney is told, “There’s only one woman I’m interested in have a relationship with…(you).” Or my personal favorite, “Everything worth having is risky.”~Angela Corbett

Sydney’s best friend, Brynn, “Oh my goodness, I loved her!” And her possible love interest…well let’s just say Corbett has a mouth-watering imagination that if you like romance novels you should dive into.

I give this book 4 ½ stars.

Happy reading!

T's Blogging 

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