Title: What went wrong?
Irene Helenowski
Reviewed by T’s Blogging
10:13 p.m.
Irene Helenowski’s Order of the Dimension, has so much
potential. The scientific idea of traveling or morphing into other dimensions
is such an amazing concept. As a fan of the science fiction genre I was excited
to see how this story developed.
As the tale unfolds we
learn, along with Jane, the main character, that something is not quite right
with the world she is currently experiencing. It does not take long for her to
discover that the eerie man that causes her skin to crawl is actually a power
hungry, mastermind behind the dimensional dysfunction. Trapped in his world for a brief period, Jane and a
small group of rebels attempt to make right what has gone wrong, but will they
be able to? Will Jane ever live in a dimension in which she is free from the
invasion of her pursuer? And what will come of the other worlds?
There were so many
different elements to this story, which I appreciated. However, the novel suffered
on so many levels. I was so confused during the first half and did not grasp a
solid understanding of what was happening until chapter 10, by that time I was
so disinterested. There seemes to be so much missing from the novel, which left
me wondering if perhaps I was reading the second book of a series. For me,
there a disconnection with this read, I totally believe that Helenowski has
something amazing within the pages of this novel.
**I give this read 2 stars
Happy reading!
T's Blogging
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