Friday, September 12, 2014

Sondra Perry's "Baby Carrots: Carrots of Wisdom for Little Ones"

Title: A Message for Children

Reviewed by T’s Blogging
10:15 a.m.

Say thank you, say please, say excuse me…I could go on and on about manners or how as parents it is our role to teach our children rules as well as  how to conduct their selves. There are countless other tools in which we as parents must instill in our children as they journey through life. Yet, what methods should a parent use to capture their child's attention, entertain them, and teach them valuable lessons? Personally, I have found that book’s with lifelong messages, told from a child’s point of view, not only stimulates dialogue between the parent and child, but it also helps the child understand the tools the parent is attempting to teach.

Sondra Perry’s “Baby Carrots: Carrots of Wisdom for Little Ones,” is a book of ten short tales that parents could use as a way to stimulate conversation with their children about topics such as love, greed, being different, and so much more. With its beautiful illustrations and creative storytelling this children’s book did exactly what it was intended to do, teach life’s lessons. However, there was one concern I had about this read,which was textual length. Depending on the child’s age he/she may become defeated by the layout of the book or the overpowering amount of text. Then again, if your child enjoys lengthy stories, these short stories will not be a bother.

***I give this read 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.

Happy reading!

T’s Blogging

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