Monday, May 25, 2015

Jules Cassard's "Dirt Nap Rhapsody"

Title: A Rhapsody for Rhapsody
Dirt Nap Rhapsody by Jules Cassard

Reviewed by S. Davis
April 27, 2015
4:30 p.m.

Normally I am not one for suspense and mystery novels, but Dirt Nap Rhapsody by Jules Cassard has proven to be the exception. This novel completely hooked me from the very first page and I couldn’t put it down. The author has done a wonderful job with making such a contrasting, twisted story believable with realistic, distinctive characters that I found myself relating to.

The story was told from seven different points of view with each voice sounding unique, which could not have been an easy feat for the author to do. And while I think the overall story would have come across better if it had been told in third-person omniscient, the seven first-person narrators really made me feel close to the emotions that the characters were experiencing. In the beginning of the novel, the reader is wondering what each of these characters has to do with the overall story, but it all makes sense at the end. That being said, I think the final narration from Lori was one of the creepiest pieces that I have ever read and it really made the story come together full-circle.

There is also a lot of foreshadowing subtlety included within the text that does not make sense until after the novel has run its course. This is also a brilliant move on the part of the author, as is the prologue included at the beginning of the story that brings the novel into a nice loop by the conclusion. I was never bored while reading this book and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to get lost in the minds of insane characters and a twisted plot.

I would definitely give Dirt Nap Rhapsody four out of five stars.

Until next time,

S. Davis  

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