Monday, February 1, 2016

Magus Tor's "My Ladybird Story"

Title: A Publisher’s Read
My Ladybird Story” Magus Tor  

Reviewed by T’s Blogging
9:14 p.m.

Incredible, is the only word that comes to mind after reading Magus Tor’s “My Ladybird Story.” This mind blowing and riveting tale, offers a peek into a heartwarming love that evolved from two souls that had experienced the hardships of life at an earlier age. Book lovers will sub-come to an emotional rollercoaster of feelings as they are whisked through the life of Tor’s main character, John.

Upon reading the first half of the book, readers are given the impression that this story is centered on the narrative of a young man that seeks desperately to journey along the path of self-discovery. Needing to be “normal,” John is plagued with the reality that the idea of normalcy has no room for him. He can never be himself, because society will not allow it. And quite frankly, he does not know who or what he is. Yet, this book offers so much more.

Tor opens the world of gender dysphoria, allowing readers to travel behind the scenes of a human being who whole-heartedly knows he is inside the wrong body. “My Ladybird Story” addresses the taunting, the restrictions of gender traits, the guidelines society places on what is deemed to be normal, and the internal as well as external struggle of John finding Joyce. This magnificent tale will have you empathizing and understanding that this unchosen road traveled down by some is not a one easy. And just maybe after reading John’s story, reader’s will have a better understanding that God is the only one with the rights to judge and convict.  

Upon the completion of this book, it dawned on me…. This read was not just about John’s hardships or his inability to fit into such an enormous and judgmental world. No, the heart of this book has a message that is very simple…, it is about love. Love of self in order to love another.

I give “My Ladybird Story” 5 out of 5 stars, this is indeed a Publisher’s Read.

Happy Reading

T’s Blogging

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