Monday, March 14, 2016

Eric T. Knight's "Watching the End of the World"

Title: Would You Survive?

Reviewed by K. Royce
4:00 p.m.

Reality TV has become a huge part of society and anyone looking to get rich quick should look no further than an audition. A group of contestants, five men and 5 women, signed up thinking they were traveling to Madagascar to participate on a show in which Survivor meets The Real World. However, on their way to the island there is a major terrorist attack, the island closes its borders, and the contestant’s plane crashes in some jungle in Africa. These contenders now must survive while watching the rest of world crumble.

This book has a plot that once you think you have figured it out, you probably have, however, the twists are still there. The story is well-written and it is a page turner throughout, not once slowing down. From start to finish the reader will be captivated. Although the plot is not too unexpected, honestly, it is just that good. My adrenaline did not slow down until I read the last word.

Eric Knight has written a novel that if it ever were to become a reality I would be terrified and yet enthralled. The ideas he presents in this read speaks to the very nature of society, as it is today. We are desensitized to horrific acts, we can’t turn away, like a bad car wreck you have to keep looking. While it was not a mystery book nor that difficult to deduce where they plot was heading, the ideas presented are very intriguing. It could be seen as a glimpse into the future of TV if the right people and the right prices are involved.  With all the dystopian and zombie apocalypse movies and books filling the shelves this book was a great change of pace. It was a good dose of reality.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.


K. Royce

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