Title: Unleashed
“Let There Be Dragons” by Kim Cormack
Reviewed by T’s
11:14 a.m.
Readers, if you
have not read the Ankh Series take note, “Go out and purchase books one and two
before reading author Kim Cormack’s third novel, Let There Be Dragons.” This recently released YA read, picks up
exactly where book two leaves off, throwing avid readers right back into
Kayne’s world. But here is the kicker, Kayne, the female protagonist, has
morphed into one bad ass, untamed, power hungry Conduit that goes psychotic
throughout this entire read. Talk about
unleashing the dragon.
After Kayne is
killed by her best friend, she and her sister finally become one. And to watch
her evolve into this new creature, especially after the hell she trampled
through…is absolutely page turning interesting. The world of this character is
undoubtedly established which makes it absolutely fan following.
As Kayne and the
other Ankh members adjust to their new powers, the author takes her time answering
the most important question: What is going to happen between Kayne and Kevin
and her and Frost? Rest reassured, the answers to many other questions are
tucked between the pages of this read, as well as a few knew bread crumbs
leading into book four. However, there were a few hung ups that could turn
first time book readers in the wrong direction.
On occasion, situations
were too drawn out and repetitive. However, staying true to her stand-up sense
of humor, the author gives us some jaw dropping and bashful scenes that make up
for the repetition and grammatical errors. There is so much intensity within
this read that it is easy to become consumed with the story. And just when the
second to the last page is turned another OMG moment happens. And in true Kim
fashion, you are waiting for the next book.
I give “Let There
Be Dragons” 3 ½ out of 5 stars.
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