Monday, January 19, 2015

Rowanna Green's Fox Among Wolves

Title: Which one is the fox?
Rowanna Green's “Fox Among Wolves” 

Reviewed by S. Davis
9:00 p.m.

It is not often that I come across a book where I am unsure where exactly I stand on it at the end, but Rowanna Green’s novel, “Fox Among Wolves” has managed to do it. This novel was probably one of the most action-packed books that I have ever read, but I am still unsure if that is a good or a bad thing. It seems as though Green’s main focus was on creating amazing and explosive scenes, instead of character and plot development.

The plots and subplots themselves are enough to keep the reader on his or her toes, so I was never bored while reading through the chapters themselves. However, the novel was a little confusing to follow at times and hard to get into. There are so many characters with different names and nicknames to keep track of and the reader is left in the dark for so long about what the plot is actually about. Due to the lack of character development, I found some of the characters – particularly Ginny – hard to believe. And while I understand that the author’s intentions was to keep the reader just as confused as Ginny, when strange men show up at her door, I wish  I had been given more information than the characters had access to.

Aside from a few technical errors, “Fox Among Wolves” was a fairly enjoyable read. Once I was able to keep track of who each character was, I found myself turning through the pages, wondering what would happen next.

I give “Fox Among Wolves” three out of five stars.


S. Davis

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