Title: Faithful to This Series
S. M. Freedman “The Faithful”
Reviewed by Kelsey Britt
Written with the complexity of a mystery and the amiability of a
Young Adult novel, The Faithful is
definitely one of the most interesting books I have read in a while. It’s as complicated as it is intriguing,
leading me to absolutely blow through it in just a few days. Freedman makes the
characters completely relatable, even though they have these other worldly
powers or obsessions that seem like they would make them pretty far from your
average person. The ease with which she writes is amazing and engrossing,
though at times can feel a bit too conversational and Young Adult for me.
It has some great twists and turns that are bound to leave any
reader guessing - which is what makes this book the page turner that it is. The
stories interweave in a great way, though sometimes can feel a bit jarring when
you haven’t seen a character in a really long time. After taking a second to
refocus on where they have been it’s easy to get back in the swing of the
novel; though I find myself wishing a few of the smaller characters’
perspectives were left out.
While not a book that is going to change your life or the way you
see things, it’s definitely one that I would say is worth the money. I have
great expectations for the rest of the series and am excited to see these books
really take off.
* I
give The Faithful 4 out of 5 stars!
Kelsey Britt
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