Monday, May 8, 2017

Zane's "The Sisters of APF"

Title: Call Me A Soror
"The Sisters of APF" by Zane

Reviewed by T's Blogging

Hello Saints, Sinners, and Page Watchers. It's going on a month and I'm still running through the erotica genre. This week I have some urban fiction that will have your eyes bulging and cause your chin to drop. As you know, this is only my third Zane read, and I must admit, this author has me calling my friends, as if I were on the corner selling newspapers. "EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT!" Yes, it was that good. This book changed my life! And that is not an exaggeration. However, before I offer my two cents let me recap what the heck this one is about.

Zane's, "The Sisters of APF," is about this country bumpkin named, Mary Ann. She leaves her family to attend college in Washington D.C. While moving into her dorm room, Mary Ann meets Patricia, who decides to the newcomer under her wing. After spending time with Mary Ann, Patricia decides to introduce her new friend to The Sisters of APF. Unknowingly to Mary Ann, she is about to bump shoulders with a group of highly educated, goal driven African American woman that embrace their sexuality, and they do so unapologetically. Without giving too much away, which I sometimes do, let me just tell you this.... "Mary Ann's country behind isn't at all who I thought she was, talk about welcome to the big city and let the sexual games begin."

I personally, really enjoyed this book for more reasons than one. As a book lover I was thoroughly entertained, but as a woman I realized that sometimes women coil their sexuality, because of the unflattering stigmatizes that brand sexual women as whores and sluts. Society places this mental bondage on women, which teaches the female gender how they should behave and react toward sex. This one book started me on a quest to not only embrace my enjoyment of the physical action, but to be vocal with what I desire and need sexually. This read also empowered me to share with other women that it is okay to embrace all of you, and that includes your sexuality.  

I give Zane's "The Sisters of APF" 5 STARS,

Happy reading!

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