Monday, February 6, 2017

Paula Hawkins' "The Girl On The Train"

Title: What in the world?
"The Girl On The Tra" by Paula Hawkins

Reviewed by: T's blogging

Good morning family, friends, and page watchers. Please tell me that you had a chance to read or even watch Paula Hawkins' "The Girl on the Train"? If you haven't, you are in for a treat. Talk about a movie filled with twist, unexpected turns, and an outcome that was so far fetched that I had to watch the movie again. 
     Of course, I'm not sure if the movie did the book any justice if you had a chance to read and watch the movie please tell me so. But one thing is for certain, this movie was so entertaining and sporadic that I was dizzy, in a good way, as I tried to decided if the main character, Rachel, was truly a drunken lunatic that lacked self control or something else entirely. 
     As the story unravels it's clear that Rachel is a bit off her rocker, and that's putting it mildly. My judgmental self doomed Rachel from the very beginning. I couldn't help but to view the woman as a mentally unstable person that needed help immediately. However, when the story started to dive into the lives of two other characters, I couldn't help but to think they were all off their meds. But truly I was so far from actually comprehending the depths of the story until I reached the very end.
     Hawkins did an amazing job keeping readers on the edge of their seats as she masterfully intertwined the lives of three different characters while using one common factor. OMG! Folks, you are going to love this one. And ladies, trust and believe you will be able to relate.

Paula Hawkins you've gained a fan. I give "The Girl On The Train" 5 STARS.

Until next time folks.

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